Tuesday, April 2, 2013


MCA Provides Edu Guidelines 2U

1. 马青升学辅导讲座/ MCA Youth Education Roadshow


MCA Youth will embark on a higher education and vocational training roadshow at various locations nationwide from 22-31 March 2013. The roadshow aims to provide students and parents with relevant and useful information on higher education and vocational training. For roadshow schedule: http://www.mca.org.my/en/2013-education-guidance-road-show/

2. 教育文凭优秀生助学金/ Programme Bursary For SPM 9A+

公共服务局及教育部联合提供的2012SPM优秀生助学金即日起开放申请至今年616日结束。凡考获9A+及以上的各族优秀生将可自动获得每月430令吉的助学金作为津贴。符合资格的学生须上教育部网站进行登记:http://apps.moe.gov.my/bursaryspm. 更多详情欢迎查阅:http://www.mca.org.my/cn/files/2013/03/Bursary_2013.pdf

All students obtaining 9A+ and above for their SPM 2012 will be automatically offered Education Ministry bursaries irrespective of race. Students can check details of the bursaries and update their student profiles at http://apps.moe.gov.my/bursaryspm from today onwards until June 16. For more details please visit http://www.mca.org.my/cn/files/2013/03/Bursary_2013.pdf

3. 教育学士课程/PISMP Programme


The Bachelor of Teaching Degree Programme (PISMP) June Intake 2013 under the Education Ministry of Malaysia is open from 22-31 March 2013. SPM leavers age not more than 20 years by 30 June 2012, are invited to apply. For more information: http://apps.moe.gov.my/smg/02/020002/kplspm2013/index.cfm

4. 国家青年技术学院/IKBN

青体部属下的国家青年技术学院(IKBN)将在7月招生,年龄介于1830岁的大马未婚男女公民,最少中五毕业,都可以提出申请。成功被录取者不但学费全免,院方更提供免费住宿及一天五餐,学生每月还获得100300令吉的生活津贴。学生在完成两年课程后可获得一纸技职文凭,在技职领域上一展拳脚。有兴趣者可上网申请:https://online.mohe.gov.my/upu/onlineupu/tevtilka/index.php 或拨电03-8871 3651/ 3652/ 3653/ 3646/ 3685

IKBN will have its July Intake for ages 17 to 30 years. Malaysian citizens who are SPM holders and single are encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will enjoy a waiver on their tuition fees, free accommodation and meals. They will also receive RM100-300 as allowance. For details, please visit: https://online.mohe.gov.my/upu/onlineupu/tevtilka/index.php or call 03-8871 3651/ 3652/ 3653/ 3646/ 3685.

5. 自立学院/Kojadi Institute

自立学院开办的电子设备课程(Electronic Equipment)以及美容护理课程将在5月份开课,即日起接受报名,有意者可拨03-2166 8211了解详情,或浏览www.ki.edu.my

Kojadi Institute is offering an Electronic Equipment Programme and Beauty Therapy Programme which are now open for registration. These two programmes are expected to kick-start in May. For more information, please call 03-2166 8211 or visit www.ki.edu.my

6. 拉曼学院/ TAR College


TAR College is having its Open Day from 16-31 March 2013. There are over 130 programmes offered. With 44 years of teaching experience and more than 150,000 alumni, this shows great confidence towards TAR College education. Please visit http://bit.ly/TARCOpenDay for more info.

7.            拉曼大学/UTAR


UTAR celebrated its 10th Anniversary last year. Throughout UTAR's 10-year history, it has successfully produced more than 300,000 graduates who have gone on to scale greater heights in the various industries. UTAR graduates have a high employment rate, with over 97% of its graduates finding employment within the first six months of completing their studies. UTAR is organising its Open Day in conjunction with its May 2013 Intake. For further information, kindly refer to www.utar.edu.my

8. 一个马华教育贷款计划/1MCA Education Loan Scheme

马华于2011年推介的“一个马华教育贷款计划”,提供价值3千万令吉的贷学金,供被国立或私立大专录取的各族清寒学生申请。此贷款计划公开给全民申请,贷款首5年是免息偿还,过后的年利率介於6.8%7.8%。有意申请者可从即日起提交申请,当局全年接受申请,没有截止日期,直到款项发放完毕为止。欲知详情可登录kojadi.my或拨打03-2161 6499查询。

MCA launched the 1MCA Education Loan Scheme in 2011 to help students from low-income families pursue higher education locally and abroad. With an allocation totaling RM30 million, this Loan Scheme is open to all races. Successful applicants will enjoy interest-free loans for the first five years. For details, please refer to kojadi.my or call 03-2161 6499.

Prepared by MCA Facebook Administrator

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